





My first project at work was developing a clicker game—a type of game where players perform simple, repetitive actions (like clicking the screen) to earn in-game currency. This currency is then used to buy various upgrades that speed up currency acquisition, creating an investment cycle that grows exponentially.  

This game type is steeped in absurdity and serves as a simulation of capitalism's bizarre paradox: you earn money just to earn more money, and you invest solely to be able to invest even more. In short, players are only ever buying money.  

In contrast, this minimalist clicker game strips away all unnecessary visuals, leaving just one interface for interaction and another for display. It’s also an unwinnable game—the target amount is set to one more than the maximum value of a computer integer. Once the amount exceeds 2,147,483,647, it automatically wraps around to the minimum integer value, -2,147,483,648.

I wanted to expose the absurdity of digital labor and employment through raw data and the continuous tapping of the player.

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